Friday, 22 August 2014

August Newsletter 2014

August 2014                  The Signal Gunner

Signal Gun Wine and Dinner Evening
This month we’ll be indulging in our Tin
Hill Pinotage paired with a divine Venison
themed menu on the 29th of August from
Tickets cost R230 per person and include a
3 course meal and a glass of wine per
Contact Leoni on 021 976 7343 or email for more

Seasons of Sauvignon Mad Hatters Wine Party at Signal Gun 

You're entirely BONKERS, but I'll tell you a secret.......
all the BEST people are!!

Join our newest member to the valley, Signal Gun for a Mad Hatter Season of Sauvignon Wine Party! 

Prizes up for grabs everyday for the best outfit, live music, wine tasting, kids entertainment and much more for only R60.00 per person including your tasting glass!


Book your Year-end Function before end of September, with Ke-Monate @ Signal Gun and
receive FREE exclusivity on your venue!Applies to groups of 20 and up, and menu options
of R150 and more.Offer valid until 12 December 2014, terms and
conditions apply.